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Italian DMH food and testing

Food contact products for Italy are subject to local regulations such as the Italian Official Gazette GU 283 on April 1962 and Ministerial Decree of 21 March 1973, in addition to the requirements of the EU Regulation 1935/2004. And its modified version of the request. Among them, stainless steel and other metal products and enamel, glass, crystal products and other materials, food-grade security by the local high degree of concern

The products and specific regulations under the Italian Health Administration Act include:
Plastic - DM 21/3/73 & modified regulations
Ceramic-DM 4/4/1985 & 84/500 / EEC
Tin-DM 18/2/1984, DM no. 243 of 01/6/1988
Stainless steel, carbon steel, cast iron - DM 21/3/73 & modified regulations
Rubber-DM 8/2/1995 & 93/11 / EC

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